
Girls Aloud

On the 26th of February 2013 I went to Girls Aloud's Ten tour, it was incredible. Now as a Girls aloud fan naturally I was extremely excited to go to the tour (it was the first time I've seen them) but it was so much better than could of been expected.

One of the best things about the tour was how much fun the girls appeared to have on stage. the chemistry between the girls made for an incredible show. It was easy to see how they had survived 10 years on the music scene.

They made their way through tracks from the ten years, evoking a lot of emotions from the audience. When the girls sand 'Beautiful cause you love me' the area was lit up by lights from phones and it was one of the most beautiful things that I had ever seen.

The vocals were unbelievable, I've heard people say that they can't sing live, honestly they had the best vocal I have ever heard. The choreography was extremely impressive, you can tell that Cheryl grew up as a dancer. The dance routines were extremely energetic and incredible to watch.

The hair and make up on the tour was absolutely stunning and the costumes completed the look perfectly. The tour could not have been any more perfect. I would recommend going to a Girls Aloud tour to anybody who just wants to have a really fun night with a lot of singing along and maybe even a bit of cheeky dancing.

 Go girls, g,g, go go go ...

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