
Thoughts, Feelings and Films | Someday Summary

This photo is of two Disney videos I found and then watched, I found myself searching for these after doing the Disney Tag and I enjoyed watching them. It felt a little retro to be watching videos. I need to get them on DVD!
♥ I've finished school for the summer now which means time for relaxing, writing and more blog posts.
♥ I love the feeling of waiting for packages to arrive in the post
♥ I tried watermelon the other day, I'm now obsessed
♥ I thought my camera had broken, I panicked as I love to take pictures and need it for my blog, turns out it just needed new batteries
♥ I snapped a string on my guitar the other day, it was so sad, it was one of those days when I should have just stayed in bed
♥ I've just put on the film 'War Horse', I love it, if you haven't watched it you need to!

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