
Liebster Award

So I've just been nominated for the Liebster, firstly I'm shocked and secondly I'm extremely happy.

 This is a way for bloggers to see other blogs and connect with other bloggers. I think it is a really good idea.

How it works...
  1.  Answer 11 question asked by your nominator, and tell your readers 11 facts about yourself.
  2. Nominate 3-5 other bloggers with less than 200 subscribers for this award 
  3. Make 11 question for them to answer, and then go on their blogs and tell them about your nomination.
I was nominated by Chelsea, you can find her blog HERE

11 Facts About Me 

  1. I used to do gymnastics when I was younger and i got  gold medal in my first and only competition
  2. I love writing, obvioculy there is my blog now but I also write songs and my little book that I strated a while ago
  3. Florida is one of my favourite places in the entire world
  4. I started watching 'Lost' last night and I'm already hooked
  5. I watch a rediculous number of crime shows
  6. I love hot chocolate, I will even drink it during Summer
  7. My cat makes me rediculously happy
  8. The matress on my bed is so comfortable, it is hard to drag myself out of bed in the morning
  9. I love looking at old photos and watching old family films
  10. English and history are my favourite subjects at school
  11. I'm terrible at paining my nails but I love the look of painted nails

Questions from Boutique 29
  1. Who is your favourite actor / actress? I am a massive Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart fan (sorry but it's true) I also love Jennifer Lawrence.
  2. Celebrity Crush? Robert Pattinson, I think he is very funny and incredibly attractive.
  3. Dream Job? I'm not sure but something to do with writing
  4. Favourite Hair Style? Long and curly
  5. Whats your favourite song of the summer? Heart Attack by Demi Lovato or The Other Side by Jason Derulo
  6. Best Vacation Memory? Swimming with dolphins
  7. Favourite Show? The Vampire Diaries
  8. What type of pet do u have/want/ or do you not want a pet at all? I have a cat and i would definitely want one when I'm older
  9. Dream Car? A Porsche
  10. Must Have Makeup? A good foundation and mascara
  11. 10. Do you have Pamper evenings? If so, what do you do ? I like to have a long bubble bath, paint my nails, light candles and watch a film
My Questions
  1. What is your star sign?
  2. What one thing without a doubt can make you smile?
  3. Who are your three favourite bloggers?
  4. What is your favourite holiday destination?
  5. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
  6. What is your favourite film?
  7. Are you a morning or night person?
  8. What is your favourite song right now?
  9. What is your favourite lip product?
  10. Are you a cat or dog person?
  11. What is the best piece of advice you could give someone?

My Nominees
1. Fern : http://daisychainfern.blogspot.co.uk/
2. Kristen : http://yourbeautyfixreviews.blogspot.co.uk/
3. caitlin : http://caitlinaaa.blogspot.co.uk/

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