
Sleepless Nights, Pictures and Lost | Someday Summary

 I have never used the webcam on my laptop before, that was until yesterday when I was extremely bored and decided to have a play around as you can see in the pictures above. Webcams are amazing for taking the most bizarre pictures of yourself, not that I've shown you those here, they shall stay forever hidden.
 I've been really enjoying curling my hair with tongs recently, I love the loose curl effect it gives. It also looks great the next day when the curls have fallen a lot with a bit of salt spray, that's how I've got my hair today and I love it.
 I'm getting a new camera for my birthday and I can't wait to have a camera that focuses properly, it is so hard to take pictures for my blog with a camera that can hardly focus anymore.
 I couldn't sleep last night so I found myself watching Tanya and Jim's Vlogmas videos, why not?
 The TV series 'Lost' is incredible, why have I only just discovered this?
  I found a few old photo albums the other day, I love looking at baby pictures!
♥ I'm going away tomorrow for a week, a week by the sea, that will be fun. Future blog post?

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