
The Christmas Tag | Blogmas Day 22

1.  Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic?

I have never had a real Christmas tree but I've always wanted one. I think synthetic ones are much easier though and you can have the same tree every year.

2.  You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?

A Hot Chocolate, anyone that knows me could answer that for you.

3.  Whats your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?

I think red and white look lovely together but then again my Nan's tree has a lot of different decorations and colours and it looks incredible! so really, whatever looks good.

4.  Giving or receiving?

I love receiving presents, who doesn't, but the feeling of giving somebody a present that you've put a lot of thought into is the best. I love seeing people's faces when they open presents that you've given them. I just love it.

5.  To mince pie or not to?

I don't like mince pies, so definitely not to.

6.  What's your traditional Sunday lunch?
Well we go all out at Christmas, we have a selection of meats, such as chicken, turkey and beef, potatoes, veg, stuffing and of course Yorkshire puddings!

7.  Christmas day fashion

Normally I spend Christmas morning in pyjamas and then  dress up a little bit but this year I think I will go for Leggings and a Christmas jumper.

8.  What's your favourite Christmas song?
My favourite Christmas song, that's a hard question.  I think it might be either  Last Christmas or Do They Know It's Christmas

9.  What's your favourite Christmas film?

The Santa Clause series are my favourite Christmas films without a doubt! I also love The Holiday and Elf.

10.  Open presents before or after lunch?
Before, how could anyone wait until after?

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