
The Summer Reading List

Reading is one of my favourite things to do and summer is the perfect time to get books read. I thought I would share with you the books I am aiming to read this summer.

1.    Wuthering Heights – a classic, I love this book and the fact that it is a mini handbag size, it is full of drama and is a good read if you can work your way through the language. I do love a good classic.

2.    Bloodlines – this was bought for me a year or two ago and a busy schedule has meant that it has sat on my shelf unloved but I am aiming to give this vampire filled book a good read.

3.    The fault in our stars -  this was a birthday present that I haven’t read yet (my birthday was in September) but my friends have ordered me to read it, plus I want to watch the film and to do that I have to have read the book first.

4.    City of bones – this is actually my friend’s book which is long overdue to go back but I remember her raving about it so I thought I would read it.

Have you read any of these? Are you currently reading anything good?

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