
Favourite Youtube Channels

This has seriously become one of my favourite channels to watch. She is so funny, informative and has incredibly beautiful makeup. If you don’t watch her you need to, the tutorials are perfection, her personality is infectious and she always puts a smile on my face.

I’ve mentioned Anna’s channel before and it is still one of my favourites. Anna has really detailed and trust worthy opinions and I always look forward to her videos. I think half of my stash is recommendations from Anna.

Alix a, is pretty, b has great hair and c makes great videos. She has a great lighting set up and just posts good videos.

This is largely where my fashion fix comes in. if you want a great get the look video this is the channel to go to. I’m obsessed.


Not too much to be said here. I always find myself rewatching Zoe’s old videos. I don’t think my love for Zoe’s channel will ever end.

I think Gabby is just really down to and earth and I actually love her vlogs.

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