
Hello 2017

 I’ve already done a post all about 2016, but I wanted to also do a post about what I am aiming to achieve or change in 2017.
Use My Time More Effectively
I often find myself wasting so much time. Believe me, I am a pro at procrastinating. I just figure that if I get everything done that I need to do before relaxing and binge watching something on Netflix for hours, then I’ll be much less stressed. I stress about everything so this could really benefit me. Plus it will make me much more organised for uni.
Blog More
I really have neglected my blog this year. I’ve found uni really hard and my personal life has changed a lot, honestly, I just haven’t found time for it. I want to get back into blogging, even if it’s just one or two posts a week. I’d like to have a set schedule and constant content on the blog.
Grow My YouTube Channel
I love making YouTube videos, it really is how I love to spend my spare time. This year I would like to start making weekly vlogs again and I’d like to have set upload days so that people know when to check back for a video. I would love to grow my channel, only a little bit, just so I feel like I’m connecting with more people and spending my spare time doing something worthwhile.
Lose Weight
I feel like a lot of people say this but I seem to have put on weight last year that I really didn’t expect/need to. I am going on holiday at the start of July and I would love to feel confident enough to wear a bikini, but we’lll see.
Go Out More
I would love to go for more days out next year and make a lot more memories. It’s so easy to get bogged down in your everyday life and all of the things that you need to do, but, I really want to make time for day trips and people.
Take More Photographs
I found it really hard to put together the 2016 flashback post as I realised that I haven’t taken many pictures at all. I really want to remember the year and the memories I make.

What do you want to do this year?

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