
Zoella Classic Collection Update

I love Zoella Beauty, I think the range is full of really affordable products which are adorable and actually really nice to use. When Zoe released a few new additions to her classic collection I thought I would pick up my favourite pieces.

The three products I picked up are the Wondrous Whip body moisturiser, Perfectly Polished body scrub and Scooper Dooper bath soak. What I love about the classic collection is the scent, it is so girly and pretty and feminine (can you tell I’m rubbish at describing scents) it’s definitely a scent I always go back to.

Wondrous Whip
Wondrous whip is the most lightweight moisturiser I have ever used, it is basically a cream version of The Body Shop sorbets in the way that it is so light and absorbs so quickly on the skin. I think the packaging is absolutely adorable, the cream and lace design is so quintessential to the classic collection, plus it looks adorable sat at the side of your bath.  The scent of this does linger on your skin for a while after using which I really wasn’t expecting and is actually a really pleasant surprise.

Wondrous whip retails for £8.50 and can be found HERE

Perfectly Polished
Who else was completely obsessed with the body moisturiser in the Tutti Fruity collection? I was, and so when Zoe released this I knew I had to buy it. The formula is practically perfect, it’s gritty but without being too abrasive. What I’m trying to say is that it does a really nice job at exfoliating without being harmful or too abrasive for my sometimes sensitive skin.

Perfectly polished retails for £7.50 and can be found HERE

Scooper Dooper
I really like this product, I’m just going to say it. I love a good bubble bath and anything that’s shiny and reminds me of a unicorn. This basically runs you a unicorn bubble bath. You really don’t need much of this product to create a full bath of bubbles and I like to either scoop some out and swirl it around or pour it directly under the tap to create the bubbles. Again, it has the classic scent and the cutest packaging, what’s not to love?
Scooper Dooper retails for £7.50 and can be found HERE

I honestly think this range is so affordable and really feels like something luxurious, plus you can always find it on offer at either Superdrug or Feel Unique.

Have you tried any of these products? What’s your favourite Zoella Beauty product?


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