September Goals

I thought it was about time that I sat down and made myself monthly goals to help me keep on track, and what better way to hold myself accountable than to blog about it. I thought I would sit and talk you through all of my little goals for the month of September.

1.    Stick to a blogging schedule
Believe it or not I do actually have a blogging schedule, Thursdays and Sundays, and my plan is to stick to it from now. I’ve planned my posts all the way up until the end of November and I would be so happy if I could make a plan and actually follow it!

2.    Start research for my extended essay for uni
On my course we don’t do a dissertation, our equivalent is an extended essay and as I already have my title I would really like to get a head start and put some work into it.

3.    Make meal plans
Can you tell that there’s a bit of an organisational theme going on this month? I think its art of the whole going back to uni thing but I’m determined to get organised and on track. I don’t want to come home from uni/work and not know what to have for dinner s end up getting a takeaway, not anymore. I want to plan and stick to it, not only will it give me a little bit more of a routine, which I have seriously missed since school but well save so much money.

4.    Bake more
The other Sunday James and I grabbed out my battered copy of Tanya Bakes and picked random recipes and baked them. I honestly haven’t had so much fun in a long time. It combines two things I don’t always make enough time for, baking and my relationship. I think it’s really easy, especially when you live with your partner, to become really comfortable and not make enough effort to do enough with each other and this was a really nice start, so definitely want to do more of it.

5.    Follow my skincare routine
I always bang on about how important a skincare routine is and yet I’ve been falling asleep with my makeup on, I know it’s almost criminal! I have all of these amazing products which work wonders for my skin and I don’t use them, so that’s definitely a goal for this month.

So those are my September goals, what are yours?

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