
Why I Quit My Job

For me, this blog has always been my little corner of the internet that I use to express myself, whether that be me sharing holiday photos, enthusing about a beauty product or sharing a glimpse of my life. It would feel wrong if something major happened in my life and I didn’t talk to you about it, so here it is: I quit my job.

Yes, you heard that right, I left my workplace of 4 years and now can solely focus on my last year of university. There’s a lot of reasons I quit, the driving focus for me right now is doing well in my final year at uni and I needed to put that first, but, it’s not the only reason.

Recently I’ve become a strong believer of not tolerating negativity in my life and that if something or someone is dragging you down you need to stop doing that thing or seeing that person. This is the advice I give my friends all the time and yet I find it so hard to follow myself.

Quitting your job is scary, I feel that I need to add here that I haven’t got another job or another form of income to make up for what I’ve given up, and let’s face it, money is important. As you may know I moved out of my family home and in with my boyfriend this year, I have a car and a phone to pay for and so this decision did don’t come easily. I’m very fortunate that I have enough money of my own to cover my bills without needing to work for the moment and I’m also lucky to have a partner who brings in a wage every month, that being said, I will miss having my wage coming in as that was my spare pot of money I kind of did what I wanted with.

Anyway, I’m not here to talk about finances, I think I just wanted to say that if you are not being treated in an acceptable way there is no shame in standing up for yourself, and I don’t mean having an argument or anything like that, I stood up for myself by removing myself from the toxic environment. I valued myself more and that’s what I really want you to take away from this post.

Nothing can devalue your own self-worth and no amount of money is worth more than your happiness.
Since leaving work I’m much happier, yes, I have to stop the ridiculous amount of shopping I’ve previously enjoyed (or at least do it a little less often) but I feel like a completely different person. My stress levels have gone back to normal – as normal as they can be for a final year uni student – I’m venturing back into things I enjoy like blogging and youtube because I finally have the time to do other things than simply exist. I spent months running myself into the ground between uni and work and had no time with my partner or anytime at all to enjoy life.

Was it the best decision financially? No.

Was it the best decision for me? Yes

Thank you for reading this if you’ve made it all the way through – you deserve a medal – you also deserve to value your own happiness. I hope you take it from me and learn that putting yourself first is not a bad thing and sometimes the scariest thing to do is the most liberating.

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