
Sleek Contour Kit | Review

This was one of those products that was on my wishlist for what felt like ever, but I finally got around to purchasing it and I love it.

There has been quite a bit of hype around this and it is the Sleek contour kit, I have mine in the shade medium. It comes with a matte contour colour, a highlighter and a nice big mirror, as all Sleek compacts have.
I love this because it works, simple, yet effective. As I always say, Sleek powders are extremely pigmented, so use a small amount and then build it up. You don't want to look like you've got a line of mud on your cheeks. As a contour this works really well, it basically slims your face and adds the effect of great cheekbones. The highlight is very shimmery but I would say with just a little bit it's fine for everyday use.

At only £6.49 this is an absolute must have! Another thing to note is that the contour colour blends really nicely and as it's only small it is handbag friendly.

The product comes in three shades, light medium and dark; it also comes with instructions that show you where you’re meant to put the products which is really useful for beginners or people who have never ventured into the world of contouring again.

Have you tried the sleek contour kit?

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