
Summer Nail Polish Edit

Nail polish is definitely something I have learned to love since I have become slightly better at painting my nails. When it comes to summer it is time to crack out the bright polishes and I thought I would talk you through my favoruites.

Tanya Burr – Bright and Early - this is a really nice nail polish, the colour is just right, it’s a very pinky, orangy coral colour if you know what I mean. This comes in at £5.99, it doesn’t have the most chip resistant formula but you know, also it’s nice to use products from one of my favourite youtubers.

Models Own – Shades – this is from their nail polishes which make you look tanned collection (I’m pretty sure it had a snappier name than that) this is just the perfect neon pink. For me this is one for the toes, does anyone else always have a pink polish on their toes?

Barry M – Papaya – who remembers my obsession with this nail polish? 100 points to you if you do. Last summer this was all I had on my nails and it had definitely made a reappearance this year, it is just the perfect orange and I’ve tried a lot of orange polishes. The formula is lovely as well J

Essie – Naughty Nautical – I bought this a while ago and it really is one of my favoruites, the formula is nice and the colour is incredible. In the bottle it looks like it’s going to be glittery but it’s not, it’s just happiness in a bottle.

Essie – Strut Your Stuff – isn’t this a beauty? It’s from the summer collection and is just unlike any other colour I’ve tried. It is a very loud  colour and unlike me really but I would definitely give this one a go if you want a bright colour for your holiday.

So that was my summer nail polish edit, what colours have you liked recently?

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