
Hello 2014

So you've already had a re-cap of 2013, so I thought I would let you know about the things I hope to do in 2014. It feels a bit weird writing this because as of 2012 I haven't set new year resolution because I'm of the mind set of if you're going to do it you would have already done it, so I'm thinking of these as little goals instead of resolutions.

♥ Drink more water
I feel like a lot of people have said this but I seriously need too. I really don't drink enough, I don't even think I drink enough to keep my body hydrated. It's extremely bad. I've found that when I drink more I feel a lot better in myself and I'm sure my body will thank me for it too. This is definitely one I have to do.

♥ Invest in skin care
This has nothing to do with the price of the skin care or anything like that it's more to do with finding decent skin care and sticking to a routine. I feel like in 2013 I discovered a lot of makeup and I feel like 2014 is the year to do that with skin care. There is definitely one brand on my hit list, cough, Origins, cough. I think if you have good skin the makeup you use on top doesn't matter as much.

♥ Pass my driving test
I started my driving lessons in October and I really, really, really hope that by the end of 2014 I will be able to drive and will have passed both my theory and practical exams and fingers crossed, hopefully will own my own car. I'll keep you posted.

♥ Be more organised
In school like and in general. I tend to lose things, all the time and I really need to stay much more organised. I'm a Virgo so I feel the need to be organised all the time and I need to start acting on it much more. 

♥ Blog more
I don't feel like I've been a terrible blogger this year but I think in October and November I really let my blog go a bit and developed 'Blogger's Block' but I am determined to set time by for blogging because I love it.

♥ Don't panic as much
I am a natural born worrier. I worry about a lot of things all the time, it's kind of ridiculous. I know that I need to take a deep breathe more often, worrying about ordering myself a drink in a restaurant is ridiculous, sometimes you have to bite the bullet and just do things. that's what I'm going to try and do.

♥ Try more foods
I am rather picky when it comes to food to the point where my family and I go into a restaurant and they don't even have to ask me what I'll have to give me the menu they already know. That's bad. I need to try more things, what's the worst that could happen, I don't like it? 

♥ Make an effort
With this one I mean with my appearance, I get really tired and I think oh I need the extra sleep time or whatever and then I go out and look slightly troll like. I think that I would feel so much more confident if I took a little extra time to do my hair or makeup.

♥ Revise daily
I have exams coming up in the summer and I need to do ridiculously well on them so I plan on doing revision everyday, from now. I thought that if I wrote this one down I would feel more pressurised to do it. Must revise.

So that is what I want to do in 2014, what do you want to do?

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