
Hello 2015

So you've already had a re-cap of 2014, so I thought I would let you know about the things I hope to do in 2015. 

Go to university
I already have a conditional offer for the university of my choice but obviously I need to get the grades so hopefully I do and I can go to the university I want to and everything will be fabulous.

Do well in my A Levels
I already have my AS leves under my belt but I would love to get good grades in year 13, one so I can go to uni and secondly because I absolutely do not want to redo the year

Drink more water
I really haven’t improved on this one and so here it is again. I need to drink more water.

Save money
2014 was an extremely spendy year and as much fun as that is, I think that savings are just as satisfying

Be more organised
Oh look, back again. I think this will forever be on my goals blog post, it is just something I seriously struggle with but need to get sorted

Have a tidy room
Waking up to a messy bedroom is always a good way to put you in a bad mood, plus a tidy room would mean that I wouldn’t have to search for 10 minutes to find something.

Learn to cook
By this I don’t mean become Jamie Oliver, I just mean learn how to cook the simple things, stop relying on people to cook for me, or takeaways

Make more youtube videos
I think organisation is a part of this one, plus the fact I have rubbish internet and videos often take 6 or 7 hours to upload but I would love to make more videos, I love the filming and editing process.

Read more
I’m partially there on this one, I received a load of new books for Christmas, now I just need to find the time to read them. I love reading and I think it is something I need to make time for

So that’s what I want to do in 2015, what do you want to do?

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