

So I had my year 11 prom last night and I had so much fun, so I thought I would share a few bits with you, obviously I'm not going to show you a lot of pictures or anything just because I want to keep somethings to myself but I thought I would share a few snippets.
Prom was one of the best evenings ever, it was so nice to see everybody dressed up and looking beautiful.
The last picture is of myself and my friend Amy, I do have other friends I promise, I just haven't asked them  if I could have their pictures on my blog, so I didn't want to put those up.

We found a massive chessboard in the gardens of the venue and took some funny pictures on that with the moon in the background and we found a pretty bench which I am sat on in the first picture.

My dress is from Debenhams, my shoes and bag were from New Look and I borrowed the bracelet I wore.

To sum it up I had an incredible time and I wish I could do it all over again!

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