
Alton Towers 2014

If you’ve been around these parts for a while you will know that I went to Alton Towers last year and did a little post for you, so I thought I’d do the same this year J

A few of my friends and I decided that as an after exam celebration we would go to Alton Towers. I have to admit the two hour journey there was probably one of my favourite parts of the day, it felt like a proper road trip, I loved it!

This year I had more courage than last year and went of pretty much everything including Oblivion and The Smiler (google it!) and it was insanely good! I always get pre ride butterflies but have the best time when I’m on it.

Honestly I just had an incredible time, let’s just say ours was the only boat on the rapids which ended up with most of the water inside it and all over us; I think my spare clothes ended up more wet than the wet ones.

If you have the time I would definitely recommend Alton Towers!

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