
Back To Uni: Thoughts and Feelings

I cannot believe that I’m writing this post already, how did I get to my third year of uni so quickly, where has the time gone? I really fancied sitting down and talking to you about how I’m feeling going into my third year.

Firstly a lot has changed and I’m anxious. I am not actually at uni much this year, a lot of it is independent study which worries me because I am not always the best self-motivator. I also need to try and fit this along-side a part time job. I’ve had a job since I was 17 and have always found a way of balancing studying and working but I’ve upped my hours at work (I got a promotion) and I know I need to be really focused and find a way of allocating certain time slots for uni work to make sure it gets done. In between working and uni I also have a relationship to put effort into and a house to run, who said life was easy?

I feel much more settled going back this year as I’m going back to a really nice group of friends who I’ve missed over the summer. I honestly cannot emphasize how much people affect your experience and I’m so thankful I have a nice group of people who make me want to go into uni and take part. I finally have most of my books for this year and I guess t's time to start thinking about what I'm going to wear everyday, apparently pajamas aren't acceptable.

As I’m now in my third year I should be making decisions about what I want to do after university and this scares me so much. A law degree is great until you decide that actually you don’t enjoy the practical side to it as much as you thought you would because it is very different to the academic side and now I have no idea what I want to do. Do I want to lecture law, do I want to find a post-grad job? Your guess is probably better than mine right now.

I am looking forward to having more structure in my life again and having a steady level of social interaction but I have no doubts that this year will be really hard and I don’t know if I’m ready for it.

Well thanks for reading my ramblings about uni, I hope if you’re going back that you have a really good year and nothing is too stressful.

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