
Taking a Break

I’m back 

I feel like I have not blogged in a very long time, I do apologise but after my AS exams I needed a little break and then I got ill and I just did not feel like blogging. I guess you could say I lost my blogging mojo. I think it’s really important time to take some time for yourself sometimes, there have been a few times I’ve wanted to blog but have had no inspiration too but I think I might be ready to blog now.

Sometimes your life gets so busy you have no time for anything but the bare essentials, anyone else feel like this sometimes and I think that after time like that you need to take ‘chill’ time, so that’s what I did. Sometimes you need way too many YouTube and Friends marathons right?

Basically what I’m trying to say is I had a little break and now I feel ready to get blogging again 

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